Quantum Machinery Group is a U.S. Leading Metalworking Equipment Supplier. Over the past 20+ years, we have helped thousands and thousands of customers to expand and increase their metalworking capabilities.

Quantum Machinery Group's Headquarters are located in Charlotte, North Carolina. We comprise of a full Sales and Technical Department, which are factory trained to assist you with even the most complex projects; we stock NEW welding tables, welding table accessories, machinery and parts; and we even have our very own in-house machine shop to assist our customers with complete turnkey packages for existing and new applications.

Our Quantum team were/are hand picked individuals who have exemplified Honesty and Integrity, all the while taking the steps necessary to make sure that our customers are well taken care of. We know that our success is only possible with the success of our customers - this fact motivates our team to work with, and for you, as best as we can to help you improve and expand your ever-growing metal working operations.